Wednesday 2 July 2008

Ultimate relaxation

Come on. You just have to admit... sitting on a desk totally relaxes you.

Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.

You know how good it feels when you walk into your friend/colleague's office and without much ado, you shift his/her paperwork aside and find a sweet spot for you to sit so you can really engage with them on a more personal level.

I don't know if you've noticed but being in this particular situation brings about a very jovial conversation, filled with uncontrollable laughter (which is usually coupled with you rocking back with your head tilting so far back, it just gives in to gravity a little).

You can never really disagree with anyone when you're sitting on an office desk. For some reason, everybody seems to be talking a lotta sense. And not the kind of sense that's needed when discussion issues like global warming. More like the sense that's needed when you're talking about the fat lady at HR who's the main cause of the global warming in the HR department.

Do you understand me? LOL!

Have you noticed how your boss suddenlt assumes he/she's disturbing something everytime he/she (this whole policital correctness is starting to kill this post; from now on, every boss is a he and a colleague is female! That's it. Sue me!)

Anyway... how he automatically tones down a little (especially if he's about to give you a crap load of paperwork for you to go through) he sorta asks you to do the job, instead of the traditional.... "yeeah, um I want you to < insert verb here > this for me..."

You should really give it a try.

Whenever you're called to your boss's office (especially when you're in the dogbox). Sit on his desk swinging one leg (preferably your stronger leg; like the one you scored that goal with at your company's last soccer match, where you scored 2 goals).

Watch him squeel!
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