Wednesday 2 July 2008

"How come you don't call me anymore?"

I believe it was the greatest funkadelic soul singer of all time; mister Prince Nelson himself. Or rather The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, also known as Symbol; who once uttered the words "How come you don't call me anymore?"

This famous phrase, was made even more famous, by the teenage singing sensation Ms. Alicia Keys. Who engraved the words even deeper into the minds of her adoring fans the world over.Now it seems, this popular phrase has become the nightmare soundtrack to my life lately.

Let me break this down...

You know how you are all single and stuff, and you spend hours on the phone chatting to your other single friends about how misserable le single life is? Well, that was the story of my life for quite some months. Granted we had some good times, got drunk as hell, went out clubbing, got drunk out of our minds, got to kick some serious knowledge (which didn't always include weed).

The great thing about this whole thing is that I got to spend some serious time with quality people. Talked about everything most of the time, and other times didn't even need to talk at all.We were on the same wave length most of the time.

It's only at these times that you really get to know people for who they really are. Not just the occasional SMS, I mean seriously getting to know this person with whom you've built this so-called friendship. Knowing what makes them tick, what they are really passionate about.

You know somebody's a true friend when they find your shoulder comforting enough for them let all inhibitions go and just cry if they feel like it.This is basically what most of my friendships are founded on. I also think the fact that almost all my friends are girls, this makes my bond with them even that much more special.

Then comes a time where neither of you have enough time in your 24hr day to call the other and check what they up to. Nevermind hooking up. Just a simple "hello".

I've gotta admit, I'm definately guilty of this flaw.

I tend to just not call people. Especially when I'm in a relationship or whatever.

Hey, at least I'm willing to admit this /in public even/

You call someone and the first thing they ask is "how come you haven't been calling?" I mean WTF! I could ask you the same thing.

It's only after you stop calling people that you actually realise that you've been making more calls than they ever have. But then again it's only when you stop seeing people that you realise how tight you all were, when you accidentally stumble upon that that made it onto the internet where you were all so out of it; you don't even remember when the picture was taken. But you remember how happy you were on that particular day!

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