Thursday 4 September 2008

ships of relation

It's funny how when girls finally find the "right" guy. One who doesn't cheat on them. Doesn't call them a bitch (unless per lady's horny request). Doesn't disrespect her. Treats her like heaven. Buys her whatever she wants. Takes her wherever she wants (Cloud 9 included). Gives her all the love in the world... all these things andnothing less.

And yet she still finds a need to fuck things up.

One way or another. Either she wants to do something to see if he's the touchy obsessive over protective don't-look-at-nobody-else kinda guy or he's basically all she's getting. (see above) And whole-heartedly so.

For some reason, women still find a reason to suspect you of some shit. SO I guess the reasoning behind it becomes... a "lemme hurt him before he hurt me" scenario. Either because "I've been hurt too many times before" has become their motto in life. Or simply because they feel the guy wont go anywhere. He's too good to leave. Too good to let go. (read: not too good to let go of me, but too good to be let go of)

I really don't get it.

Granted, the same can be said about most men and rightfully so. Most men are fucking idiots. The kinda idiots whoe give the rest of the male population a bad name. Even the chimpanzees.

But that's not what this is about. This is about the female side of things.

Why is that?

Why is it so hard for women to just accept that the guy they're with are just that good. (again... see 1st para.). And for absolutely no reason except that they feel that somehow you. Yes, you! Could be the one they've been waiting on. The one they're pretty much willing to give up all the shit they used to do before you came along. The one they're willing to even turn teir back on their closest closest friends. The one they are willing to even cancel a trip out of town simply because they can't even imagine the thought of them not being with you. You know... the one. The one you used to dream about while you ex was treating you like dog shit. The one you've pictured all along. You know the one. You've spent countless days carving out how he would be.
Then when he finally walks into your life, you decide he's too good to be real. So you now have the security of "the one" and you start doing all the things that were done to you at some point in your life.

Why should this be?

anyways, I gotta go... I have a train to catch.
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