Thursday 11 September 2008

Socially speaking

Let's get right into it.

After some active participation on the social network, I've come to the realisation that Facebook is a total waste of time.

You have a large number of people you've only seen pictures of, and somehow ended up adding them as a 'friend' because they were recommended to you. Come on. In real life, stuff like this doesn't happen. Have you ever actually had a friendship recommended to you? No really. Think of it. Picture this... you're hanging with your friends, and then all of a sudden... out of nowhere, this one friend of yours mention that you should probably be friends with his/her other very good friend? Come on. Who does that?

I think the whole "social network" revolution has taken away from the human factor in a lot of things. For example... you no longer have to worry about missing your favourite band's performance, you can just YouTube it and watch it during your lunch hour. No sweat.

I'm no expert, but I think more and more people are spending time "social networking" than actually physically socialising. With other human beings.

We've become so swallowed up by the whole digitally connected that we're losing the human touch in a lot of things. I think as much as technology has come with a whole world of possibilities, it's also brought with it it's drawbacks.

Granted these networks somehow get people in touch and whatnot, but still. Would it kill you to actually go meet your friends than "meeting" every other day on Facebook?

Another something... I have around 56 friends on Facebook. 90% of whom I don't even know. People I've never even met. Not once. Of the 56, I probably only speak to 5 or 7 of them. The rest are either people I've "met" online. People I know nothing about. Except that we happen to be part of the same "social" circle.

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