So... since you managed to find me (or my blog rather) via Google, I think it's only fair that you don't stop there... tell your friends about me.
Tell 'em to Google me baby!
Here's a thought:
What comes up when you Google yourself? I know it's a sign of vanity, but really, try it. Google yourself just as you Google'd me. See what comes up. Then Google me again; this time using my full names (I'm sure you're familiar with them by now?). See what comes up now? I'm sure you'll realise there's an obvious difference between you and I. Google knows me. On the other hand... Google has no clue who you are. Oh... does it suggest other names you could be looking for? Or does it simply give you the 'Your search did not return any documents ' error?
Anyway, thanks for the time you invested in Google-ing for me, and thanks even more for clicking on that link and reading my blog.
You should leave a comment or something, so that I know you were here.
Thanks again.
ps: in case you think I Google'd myself... no. I live in Pretoria but work in Johannesburg. And all my proxy is actually in the next room, so it can't be me. And the proxy at my previous employer is in Cape Town, so...
1 killa comment(s): on "Google me baby!"
It seems the person Google-ing me, is the exact same person I thought it was.
So therefore... mistery solved. Case closed. Normal blogging will resume shortly.
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